MyPassion Wing Chun Self-Defense (EN)

„We don’t want to change you – We want to empower you!” – Master Sifu Akin Özden 

MyPassion Wing Chun Self-Defense is a traditional system and at the same time the main department among the five departments of MyPassion Wing Chun:

MyPassion Wing Chun Modern Selfdefense

MyPassion Wing Chun Ultra Selfdefense

MyPassion Wing Chun Women Selfdefense

MyPassion Wing Chun Weapon Selfdefense

MyPassion Wing Chun Security Selfdefense

MyPassion Wing Chun, following the concept of Sifu Akin Özden, is easy to learn and can be applied quickly and safely.

Motto: Fast – Effective – Simple

Self-Defense without Aggression:

The aim is not to become aggressive but to be able to act decisively and uncompromisingly against an attacker. You should always be able to protect your family and yourself. In line with the motto “We don’t want to change you. We want to empower you!” you have the opportunity to learn the techniques, philosophy, and psychology of Wing Chun, as well as the forms and sensitivity training of Chi Sao, in individual or group training. With this, we aim to provide you with the tools and knowledge to better protect yourself in various situations and areas of life while simultaneously strengthening your self-confidence.

MyPassion Wing Chun Multitool:

The principles of MyPassion Wing Chun can be applied like a versatile multitool to all areas of life and situations. The Self-Defense Tool, one of the six essential tools of MyPassion Wing Chun, is intended to help the trainee manage everyday conflicts and challenges confidently. With just eight arm techniques and three leg techniques, you will quickly learn the basics, and in conditioning training, we ensure that you are not only safe but also fit. Competitions and exams are not our focus; instead, you learn Wing Chun primarily for yourself, to best protect yourself and your family from aggressive attackers.

Is it only about self-defense? No, of course not

Stress Management in Modern Times:

In addition, you will learn traditional exercises and forms that help you regain the balance between body and mind. Especially in modern times, characterized by work-related stress, the effects of pandemics, and other influences, many people are highly stressed. By regularly performing special exercises, you can massively reduce your stress levels, which allows you to lead a better quality of life. At the same time, these exercises help to improve your analysis and reaction capabilities, which benefits you not only in traffic but also enhances your ability to recognize dangers.

Training Content from the Self-Defense Training Program:

– Forms

– Sensitivity training Chi Geurk (legs)

– Reaction and reflex exercises

– Combat exercises

– Disarming and control exercises

– Philosophy and psychology (e.g., in communication)

– Dealing with stressful situations

– Proper handling of relevant laws

– Danger analysis and recognition

– Special conditioning exercises

– Special strength exercises

Training Options for MyPassion Wing Chun Self-Defense:

– Group training

– Small group training

– Personal training

– Instructor training

– Sifu-Class training

MyPassion Wing Chun Self-Defense is easy to learn and can be applied quickly and safely. After just 12 months, you will improve your skills, and the longer you train in Wing Chun, the better you will become.